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Replies on the topic "email messages "

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email messages , Sean Siegmund, 2009-09-17 02:21:24
Re: email messages , Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2009-09-17 13:46:05

email messages
Sean Siegmund, 2009-09-17 02:21:24

I have just downloaded and started to use your product and i am liking the way i can see if a port is working or if it is down.

However, say you are running a notification on both the IP address, and a port. Two different notifications same IP. In the email notification there is no way to differentiate if the status error, either IP or on the TCP port. Is there anyway that i can make the email notification more transparent?


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Re: email messages
Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2009-09-17 13:46:05
Hello Sean,

first thank you for your thread.

You're right, of course. Therefore I've released an update to version 1.0.7 some minutes ago which fixes this problem.

If you didn't disable this feature, you should be informed about the new update with the next program start.

Best regards
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