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Table of contents: CSV file Export uses ';' delimeter, Tom McKittrick, 2011-01-14 21:24:03
Re: CSV file Export uses ';' delimeter, Andreas Breitschopp (
Webmaster), 2011-01-16 17:39:18
CSV file Export uses ';' delimeter Tom McKittrick, 2011-01-14 21:24:03 |
The CSV file export uses a semi-colon delimeter instead of a comma delimter. This then requires the import of the file into MS-Excel as a txt file and specification of semi-colon as the delimeter. If you separated the values with a comma, a simple double click of the file would import it into Excel as a delimited spreadsheet. |
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Re: CSV file Export uses ';' delimeter Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2011-01-16 17:39:18 |
Hello Tom,
when testing it with Microsoft Excel 2010 it works perfectly with using semicolons as delimiters.
In contrast as I changed it to commas for testing it did not open automatically in Excel 2010 anymore.
Therefore I'll stay with semicolons for now:
but I'll add an option to choose the delimiter to my feature wish list for a future version.
Best regards
Andreas |
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