New reply onRe: Free Image Printer error after upgrade Halifa, 2012-07-23 15:14:53 | Tomas,I have experienced the same issue, and it drove me mad as well. We soelvd it by using a tool called ElementTunnel, which can be downloaded as part of Scott Colestock's BizTalk Deployment Framework (on CodePlex). It allows you to manually maintain BizTalk binding files without having to fear that BizTalk won't eat it, by performing xml encoding/decoding.Another thing with the BizTalk binding file is that I once tried to get a decent xsd for it by pointing xsd.exe at one of the types in one of the BizTalk assemblies (can't remember which one). Validating binding files just didn't work afterwards. When manually maintaining BizTalk binding files, a way to validate them would make things (a little) better. |