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Replies on the topic "Bad image quality"

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Bad image quality, Fernando Monteiro, 2011-03-28 03:20:34
Re: Bad image quality, Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2011-03-28 10:18:35
Re: Re: Bad image quality, Fernando Monteiro, 2011-03-30 16:17:05
Re: Re: Re: Bad image quality, Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2011-03-30 16:23:34

Bad image quality
Fernando Monteiro, 2011-03-28 03:20:34

Unfortunatelly the image quality is bad. all characters are blurred. I've a Word tittle that is configured with Orange texte color, it's unreadable. Is there any setting I could use to make these images better?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Bad image quality
Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2011-03-28 10:18:35
Hello Fernando,

you could try to increase the resolution (DPI) while exporting the images.

Best regards
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Re: Re: Bad image quality
Fernando Monteiro, 2011-03-30 16:17:05
Thanks for your reply!

I've tried up to 600dpi, BMP and TIFF.

It's better, but I've yet problems with orange colour characters - they are being exported with black outer, oranger inner shapes.

Is it possible to send you a copy of an image I've exported and has this problem?
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Re: Re: Re: Bad image quality
Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2011-03-30 16:23:34
Hello Fernando,

the image itself won't help, but you could save the whole print job and then send me the print job file via e-mail to:

Please also write which settings you exactly use for exporting when experiencing this issue.

Best regards
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