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Email issues
Milkboy31, 2012-06-29 04:17:18
Hey Andreas,

I can't get gmail to work via email here... Can you see if you are able to run a test message via a Gmail account?

I'm using the following settings (which I use for POP3/SMTP in Outlook for my account just fine).

Sender Address: Username@gmail.com
Server: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 465
Username: GmailUsername
Password: GmailPassword
Use SSL: Checked

I click Send test-email and the program stops responding. I click to close it and I get the windows 7 pop-up to try to recover the program... I do that, and I get the following error pop-up: http://i45.tinypic.com/2drvqc6.png

Further, it seems as though it isn't respecting the "When no longer available after check count" value as I have it set at 5 and it sends emails immediately upon failing the first check. This happens regardless of what email system I use.

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