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Replies on the topic "Run checkhostpro as programm,not as service"

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Run checkhostpro as programm,not as service, Armin, 2012-11-08 10:03:14
Re: Run checkhostpro as programm,not as service, Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2012-11-08 11:21:04

Run checkhostpro as programm,not as service
Armin, 2012-11-08 10:03:14

how can I start this toll whith missing rigths. Can not start a new service.
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Re: Run checkhostpro as programm,not as service
Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2012-11-08 11:21:04
Hello Armin,

you need admin rights on the local system to use this product.

Best regards
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