Show product page of program "Delete lines"
Table of contents: Delete same text line from many files, Bruce F., 2010-07-08 18:56:55
Re: Delete same text line from many files, Andreas Breitschopp (
Webmaster), 2010-07-08 19:05:48
Re: Re: Delete same text line from many files, John, 2011-09-04 13:33:24
Re: Re: Re: Delete same text line from many files, Andreas Breitschopp (
Webmaster), 2011-09-04 15:31:15
Re: Re: Re: Re: Delete same text line from many files, John, 2011-09-04 15:47:06
Delete same text line from many files Bruce F., 2010-07-08 18:56:55 |
I need to delete the same text line from all files that are in a folder. This is often hundreds of files. Can I do this? |
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Re: Delete same text line from many files Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2010-07-08 19:05:48 |
Hello Bruce,
Delete Lines itself can't do that directly, but maybe you could solve this problem by using a Batch file in combination with this program.
Best regards
Andreas |
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Re: Re: Delete same text line from many files John, 2011-09-04 13:33:24 |
Yes a batch does work.
Only the syntax is unclear. In the description it says fi:
-i file
The file from which the lines should be deleted.
Do I have to include the '-i' or not
-s text
The search text.
With or without the '-s' and in between "?
Some examples of the command line would be MOST useful
John |
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Re: Re: Re: Delete same text line from many files Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2011-09-04 15:31:15 |
Hello John,
that's the command line syntax as stated in the help:
DeleteLines.exe -i file -s text -o file [-n] [-c] [-r] [-b number] [-a number] [-q] [-e1] [-e2]
So this would be an easy example:
DeleteLines.exe -i "C:\path\to\input.file" -s "any search text here" -o "C:\path\to\output.file"
And you can also use the program user interface to select all options correctly and then just click in the menue "Extras" on "Copy command line". This way you have the correct command line syntax automatically.
Best regards
Andreas |
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Delete same text line from many files John, 2011-09-04 15:47:06 |
Hi Andreas,
That's most helpful, thank you for the quick reply!
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