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Replies on the topic "Delete lines that do contain text"

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Delete lines that do contain text, Greg Demonteverde, 2009-04-23 00:05:13
Re: Delete lines that do contain text, Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2009-05-05 10:53:54

Delete lines that do contain text
Greg Demonteverde, 2009-04-23 00:05:13
If you want the line to contain e. g. the strings "AA" or "BB" you can use the regular expression: .*(AA|BB).*

question: what if the text contain the character '|'?
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Re: Delete lines that do contain text
Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2009-05-05 10:53:54
Hello Greg,

when you want to use the character "|" inside a regular expression, you have to escape it with a "\": "\|"
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